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Home arrow Papers arrow Bezborodov Yu.G., Bezborodov G.A., Esanbekov M.Yu. - Water-Saving Elements of Surface Irrigation
Bezborodov Yu.G., Bezborodov G.A., Esanbekov M.Yu. - Water-Saving Elements of Surface Irrigation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 16 November 2017
In the Central Asian CIS countries the main method of crops irrigation is a surface irrigation on furrows. The water saving technology at such way of watering is based on the use of the developed system of irrigation including a normalized water supply to the field according to the indications of tensiometers, soil mulching in the space between rows reducing the unproductive physical evaporation of moisture and a set of portable polyethylene pipelines.

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