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Home arrow Papers arrow Zharnitskiy V.YA., Andreev E.V. - Earth Dams as an Object of the Dynamic System
Zharnitskiy V.YA., Andreev E.V. - Earth Dams as an Object of the Dynamic System PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Break of soil dams always happens unexpectedly and spontaneously. Therefore for the timely warning about an emergency situation topical questions of improvement and development of risk forecasting systems of such situations are still urgent. The system approach to the assessment of accidents risk of soil dams on the basis of the characteristics which potentially influence the damage degree of the dam body and its basis where in the field of influence of dynamic loadings the dam body is considered as a dynamic system in which a number of dynamic variables characterizing the condition of the system stands out and the values of such variables are given in any interval of time from a certain set according to certain rules. It is noted that the conception of a dynamic system is a theoretical abstraction, as an example, a material point a ground particle, incompressible liquid occupying a porous volume of ground, gas in the same porous volume etc. Actual hydraulic engineering structures can be considered as dynamic systems only in the certain approximation, in such a measure when at the description of the dynamics it is possible to ignore thin details of the internal structure of soil and its capability to take the applied loading.

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