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Home arrow Papers arrow Smirnova M.A., Perminov A.V. - Estimation of Lateral Inflow to the Waterworks of the Upper Volga Water Economic System
Smirnova M.A., Perminov A.V. - Estimation of Lateral Inflow to the Waterworks of the Upper Volga Water Economic System PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 06 October 2017
The article considers spatio-temporal variability of the side inflow to water reservoirs of the Upper Volga water economic system. There are analyzed fluctuations of annual values of the side inflow to water reservoirs for the period of observations from 1914/15 to 2010/2011. There are obtained assessments of the average, dispersion, variation coefficients, asymmetry and autocorrelation. The successive interchanging of periods of different degree of water content is marked. Design hydrographs of 5 and 75% provision are built according to the assembly method, the differences of which are explained by the remoteness of hydraulic unite from each other. The natural regime in the basin is characterized by small water content in the period of summer, winter low water and autumn rain floods in October and November. Stochastic properties are revealed, connections inside time series of the inflow into the Upper Volga basin and between them are established.

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