Vaynberg M.V. - Results of Research on the Open Canal Irrigation System of the Measuring Complex for Definitions of the Consumption of Water Bb «Slope-Area» Method |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Tuesday, 19 September 2017 |
The objective of work was research of the measuring complex working by the «slope-area» method and his comparison with the main method of measurement of a consumption of water on open channels of irrigating systems – «speed-area». For experimental data measurements of hydraulic elements and the slope is calculated and the flow of water via a torque tube mating structures. By results of field researches of a measuring complex on a site of the canal in the earth course, with length of L = 147 m, the maximum relative error of measurement of a consumption of water has made δQmax = 2.9% against δQmax = 4.8%. On the basis of the obtained data it is possible to draw a conclusion that the developed measuring complex for definition of a consumption of water on the offered way (the error of measurement makes ±0.001 m) gives the chance of his use in works of research character, and also on open channels of irrigating systems for the organization of the automated water account.