Dadabaev Sh.T. - Development of Mathematical Models Irrigation Pumping Station First Lift |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Tuesday, 12 September 2017 |
In this article, the object of study is the irrigation pumping station of the 1st ascent (ANS-1) of Asht district Republic of Tajikistan. The design capacity of the ANS-1 is 1.7712 million.m3 of water per day, and in the machine hall ANS-1 has 4 electric motor series VDS2-325 / 69-16 with total capacity of 32000 kW irrigation pumping stations due to large pumps consume huge amounts of electricity. These units are usually equipped with an uncontrollable drive that leads to additional costs. To solve this problem it is necessary to develop a mathematical model and analysis of ways of controlling electric pumps. In order to create a mathematical model of the pump station ANS-1 first created a flow chart ANS-1, which is shown in Figure 1. After the analysis of the technological processes of the pumping station was proposed mathematical description and the result is a block diagram that describes the processes of the object (Figure 2). In practice, the feed pump is regulated mainly by the following methods: changing the speed of the pump, by throttling pipe, and step control of bypass flow. From all the above methods is effective to regulate pump speed variation, i.e. the use of variable speed electric drives. Adjustable electric drives can save energy and increase the lifespan of the equipment. The studies developed a mathematical model and analyze ways to regulate pump units ANS-1. The analysis showed that the introduction and use of variable speed drives has many advantages such as efficiency and economy. Estimated energy savings in pumping units in the implementation of the variable speed drive is about 15 to 25%.