Ustinkina E.S. - Assessment of Anthropogenic Impacts on the Water Quality of Surface Waters in the Oil-producing Regions of Tomsk Oblast |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev | |
Friday, 25 August 2017 | |
On the basis of physical and chemical analysis of surface water samples in the oil fields of Tomsk Oblast, provided by TomskNIPIneft JSC, the spread of physical and chemical indicators of water quality in water bodies located in the fields at different stages of industrial development was analyzed. The evaluation of the impact of the oil industry on the quality of surface water that flows through the territory of mine fields was carried out. Results of the analysis of surface waters tests were compared with the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) for fishery water objects. In the analysis of tests of water some indicators were identified: the parameters characterizing physical properties and condition of water, the content of the dissolved gases, main ions and organic substances. Selection of water for the analysis was made during industrial operation of fields and is provided by programs of their local environmental monitoring. Monitoring of water objects is an obligatory link of local environmental monitoring and is carried out for timely identification and forecasting of negative processes which have influence on the quality of waters and condition of water objects.
It should be noted that the system of monitoring does not include activities for water objects quality management, but it is a source of information, necessary for taking over administrative decisions in nature protection activity. Regular sampling, coverage of bigger territory by tests, increase of the number of determined indicators are required for timely and correct identification of the reasons of the excess of a number of components in water. It should be noted that there is a number of reasons, negatively influencing the monitoring of superficial water objects; some of them are: background and control alignments can be placed incorrectly; background alignment, which allows to indicate pollution of a considered water object, can be marked out not on each water object; there is a human factor which can bring an error at test selection, transportation, storage, laboratory analysis and following characteristics of the selected tests; the system of monitoring should be systemic and not periodical because a systemic approach to monitoring gives a chance to estimate influence on water objects in more details. All above-mentioned shortcomings need to be eliminated from the system of local monitoring. The findings can be used to assess the impact of the oil industry on the surface-water bodies.
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