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Association of enterprises of water supply and sanitation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Kazakhstan Su Arnasy" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 03 November 2009

Association of enterprises of water supply and sanitation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Kazakhstan Su Arnasy" - was established upon the initiative of the Urban Water Utilities (Vodokanals) of regional centers of the Republic in March 2002. 

Association "Kazakhstan Su Arnasy" unites city Vodokanals of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it also includes design institutes and organizations responsible for facility commissioning, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and materials. Besides Kazakh enterprises, the Association comprises the enterprises and organizations representing Russia, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Poland, and Canada.

The primary current objectives of the Association are as follows:

• rehabilitation the Republican Central Executive Authority in charge of the municipal water supply and sanitation;
• rehabilitating and developing regulatory and legal frameworks;
• improving relations with the antimonopoly authorities in the field of tariff policy and government procurement;
• representing and protecting rights and legitimate interests of enterprises for water supply and sanitation at all levels;
• disseminating and implementing advanced global technologies on water treatment, sewage treatment, handling and disposal of sewage sludge, modern equipment and materials;
• assisting in improving management of water supply and sanitation sector.

The Association participates in the drafting of legislation, developing normative and methodical documents. Association has developed Guidelines on the use of water supply and sanitation systems in human settlements in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the method for determining standard technical water losses, the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On making amendments and additions to the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan." The Government of Kazakhstan submitted this draft Law to the Parliament for consideration.
The Association participates in projects supported by international financial institutions (WB, ADB, UNDP).

Since the fourth quarter of 2003, the Association has been publishing the scientific and technical journal "Water Resources and Their Use”.

Since 2003, every two years, the Association has been organizing and hosting an international conference and exhibition Su Arnasy "Water management: reality, problems and prospects"

The Association “Kazakhstan Su Arnasy” is a member of the Country Water Partnership of Kazakhstan.

Association "Kazakhstan Su Arnasy"
Kazakhstan, 010008, Astana,
Prospect Abaya, 223
+7 7172 37 67 54 tel.
+7 7172 37 66 85 tel / fax
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Website: http://www.kazsu.astanainfo.kz

Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 November 2009 )
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