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Home arrow Papers arrow Osodoev P.V., Mikheeva A.S., Tsybekmitova G.T. - Ecological and Geographical Problems of Nature Management of the Transboundary River Basins in the Asian Part of Russia: Selenga River (Russia - Mongolia), Argun (Russia - China)
Osodoev P.V., Mikheeva A.S., Tsybekmitova G.T. - Ecological and Geographical Problems of Nature Management of the Transboundary River Basins in the Asian Part of Russia: Selenga River (Russia - Mongolia), Argun (Russia - China) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 17 August 2017
The current state of nature management on the territory of transboundary river basins of the Selenga and Argun is considered in the article. The main directions of the balanced development of transboundary basins are offered, the main risks of nature management are allocated. The economical and geographical characteristic of the territory of the river basins is given. The existing normative legal bases and institutional mechanisms of basins territory development are described, the main Russian-Mongolian and Russian-Chinese normative legal documents are considered in the article. The main risks for Selenga river basin is the construction the Shuren hydroelectric power plant, and also water use for an irrigation of the southern areas. The projects for redistribution of the Hailar River waters(an upper reach of the Argun River) to the Dalai lake(China) which is inevitably negatively affect on the ecological condition of the Argun River are developed in recent years. The main directions of the balanced development of the transboundary river basins are improvement of legislative base of nature management regulation, the coordinated policy of use of natural resources, development of the comprehensive program of social and economic cooperation of the adjacent countries, the solution of environmental issues (transfer of transboundary pollutions).

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