The Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy (SRIWE) was established in 1950. It is the leading scientific organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of water resources management, land reclamation and irrigation, as well as agricultural water supply. SRIWE, has database of long-time research work in all regions of the country. It also has wide experience in scientific cooperation with international organizations and neighboring countries as well as rich scientific potential represented by patents and copyrights for inventions, collected scientific articles, monographs and scientific and methodical recommendations. The Institute always participates in international exhibitions and conferences. The main directions of the SRIWE’s activities are: - Forecasting and assessment of water resources, their rational use in river basins, assessment of water demand of natural and ecological objects;
- Improvement of water resources management, including water flow of transboundary rivers;
- Development of technologies and technical means for irrigation of crops, mechanization of irrigation and water lifting, upgrading drinking water;
- Optimization of management of irrigation and drainage systems, development of software and technical devices for control, regulation and distribution of water; ecological and economic certification of irrigation and drainage systems;
- Introduction of new technologies and mechanization equipment for maintenance and operation in pasture irrigation and agricultural water supply as well as rational ways of exploitation of irrigation systems and facilities;
- Improvement of economic mechanisms of water management in irrigated farming, rational utilization of water and land resources under conditions of market economy;
- Working out concepts, projects and business-plans on developing certain aspects in the field of irrigation and hydraulic technology;
- Counseling services in water economy sector of agricultural and industrial complex;
- Working out scientific and technical documentation as well as normative and methodical documents in the field of land-reclamation and water economy, performance of engineering and geodesic explorations, projection of engineering systems and networks, development of special sections of the projects, technological design of hydro technical facilities and irrigation systems;
- Maintenance, exploitation, commissioning and metrological work according to the project;
- Arranging training through special courses and seminars on various aspects on water economy sector;
- Training of scientific personnel of the highest qualification through post-graduate courses in the following specialties: melioration, land reclamation and land protection, hydro technical construction, economy and national economy management and geodesic ecology.
- High professionalism of the personnel of the Institute, application of modern computer technologies which provide efficiency and reliability of engineering estimations and economic assessments, scientific and laboratory base as well as experimental production ensure high quality performance of work.
Kazakhstan, 080003, City of Taraz, Koigeldy St. 12 Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy Tel.: 8 (7262) 425540 8 (7262) 426071 (72622) 22750 E-mail:
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