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Home arrow Papers arrow Rozanova N.N., Chen Yan Fey. - Features of Spillways Operation with a Stepped weir Surface
Rozanova N.N., Chen Yan Fey. - Features of Spillways Operation with a Stepped weir Surface PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
There are given the data on operation of spillways with a stepped weir surface. It is marked that the main feature of spillways operation with a stepped weir surface is formation of a self-aerated current. The rational usage of spillway is considered with a permissible unit discharge and under the condition of thecavitation erosion absence on the stepped surface. The probability of the cavitation erosion appearing is analyzed on stepped spillways of the Boguchany hydraulic works in Russia and Danj Tsyankow in PRC. There are obtained hydraulic friction ratios of the stepped surface under large inclinations of the spillway face. The calculations results showed that air availability in turbulent border layers decreases shear stresses between current layers and leads to reducing resistance and coefficient of hydraulic friction. It is shown that taking into consideration threshold speeds of the flow widens the area of usage of spillways with a stepped weir surface.

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