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Home arrow Papers arrow Schedrin V.N., Balakay G.T. - Land Reclamation is the Basis of Russia Apc’ Substainable Development
Schedrin V.N., Balakay G.T. - Land Reclamation is the Basis of Russia Apc’ Substainable Development PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 20 July 2017
There are given the data about the Russia’s needs in food products, about the volumes of main domestic food products and their shortage, about reclaimed area and irrigation systems state, about irrigated and drained lands availability and the results of their usage. The measures for reconstruction of land reclamation complex and for increasing of livestock products (meat and milk), vegetable, rise and other food manufacture are suggested. The necessity of state program taking for land reclamation development is substantiated. The calculations of the measures for reconstruction of land and the size of reclaiming contribution to food safety of the country are given.

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