Pulatov Y.E., Kurbonov A., Nazirov Z.A., Boboev A.K. - Problems of the Reclamation State of Irrigated Lands in the Republic Of Tajikistan |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 13 July 2017 |
The article considers the results of the analysis and assessment of the reclamation state of irrigated lands of the Republic of Tajikistan. The reclamation potential and causes of lands degradation are characterized. There are given the results of researches on rocky soils of the Northern Tajikistan. There are given some recommendations on improving the reclamation state of lands. It is established that many material and technical difficulties exist in planning, operation and maintenance of water supply systems. The irrational usage of irrigation water, worsening of the technical maintenance of hydro reclamation systems has considerably decreased the productivity of water-land resources and has resulted in swamping and salinization of soil. It is shown that for reclamation of lands means in the size of 96 mln US dollars are needed, and average specific expenditures for improving the reclamation state of 1 ha of irrigated lands 1200 dollars. It is stated that the increase of the efficiency coefficient of inter-farm and on-farm irrigation systems, improvement of the technique and technology of irrigation, capital and current planning of lands and complex reconstruction of irrigated lands should be solved on the basis of long-term programs. It is planned to establish a state supporting system of agricultural development directed to raising the productivity of irrigated lands and irrigation water. The analysis has been carried out on the safety of irrigated farming for the near perspective time.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 July 2017 )