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Home arrow Papers arrow Golovanov A.I., Kucher D.E., Shuravilin A.V. - Substantiation of the Mathematical Model of the Garden Drip Irrigation Under the Conditions of the Moscow Region
Golovanov A.I., Kucher D.E., Shuravilin A.V. - Substantiation of the Mathematical Model of the Garden Drip Irrigation Under the Conditions of the Moscow Region PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Mathematical model of the garden drip irrigation developed by A.I.Golovanov and Yu.I.Sukhanov was corrected on the basis of the multiple-choice field experience of the fruit garden irrigation during various on moisture provision years under the conditions of the Moscow region. The experiences were carried out in ZAO «Sovkhoz named after Lenin» of the Moscow region on sod-podzol medium-textured loam soils in the 2012-2014 years in the apple tree garden of an intensive type with a low growth type of Vesyalin apple tree. The field experience is organized on a two-factor system: factor A level of pre-irrigation moisture of soil, factor B depth of the moistened layer for each irrigation regime. For drip irrigation system HYDROLIT is used with droppers of 1,2 l/h consumption, three droppers per a plant, irrigation process is automated. In the article there are stated conditions of fulfillment of field experiments, there is given a comparison of field and calculated data confirming the applicability of the model to the conditions under consideration, there are given calculations of irrigation norms on the long series of weather data which could be used for designing parameters of the irrigation system, estimation of water requirements, assessment of irrigation influence on the environment. The proposed mathematical model allows assess washability of the soil layer at different depths of ground water and side outflow from the irrigated band which can be indicators of the ecological way of irrigation. Based on it there are fulfilled prognostic calculations of the garden drip irrigation in different according to weather conditions years according to the materials of long-term observations of two weather stations of Podmoscovje and established irrigation norms for the years of different provision. Multi-variant investigations of drip irrigation of the apple tree garden showed that connection of parameters of the drip irrigation technique with the schemes of plants planting makes it possible to regulate formation of root-inhabited zone.

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