Salova T.A., Nikolaeva N.A. - Hydrobiological and Hydrochemical Studies Of Water of Middle Reaches of Aldan River |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 06 July 2017 |
Hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of water of basin of Aldan river in middle reaches were conducted. It is determined that the waters of region of studies are low-mineralized, with a neutral medium and soft waters. In ionic composition hydrocarbonates and calcium predominate. Contents of most standardized ingredients do not limit utilization of water for drinking and fishing. Contents of petroleum products, phenols, and also organic and suspended substances exceed maximum permissible norms. In the Allakh-Yun river estuary traces of mercury were found.As a result of conduct of hydrobiological studies a difference of quantitative and qualitative indicators of zooplankton in the middle and upper reaches of river was identified: a number of zooplankton in the middle reaches of river is three time larger, and biomass is six times larger than in the upper reaches of river. A reduction of species diversity, biomass and number of zoobenthos is noted. The largest decrease occurred in the Allakh-Yun and Maya rivers where there were fixed minimum quantitative indicators of benthic invertebrates and the smallest number of groups. Villages are also a source of water pollution by organic substances and a deterioration of gas regime, whereat massive development of nematodes and oligochaetes shows.Thus, materials collected when carrying out the hydrobiological and hydrochemical studies show an intense ecological situation of upper reaches of Aldan caused by influence of industrial mining.