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Home arrow Papers arrow Kenzhebaeva S.S. - Hydro-geological Conditions of the Territory of the Lower Syrdarya River Flow Due to the Irrigation of Agricultural Lands
Kenzhebaeva S.S. - Hydro-geological Conditions of the Territory of the Lower Syrdarya River Flow Due to the Irrigation of Agricultural Lands PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 09 June 2017
The study of the hydrogeological conditions and features of territory of lower reaches of the Syr Darya River, including water and salt balance of the active stratum of soil and groundwater, salt regime of soils and laboratory investigations, established the deterioration of agricultural land reclamation status. Currently, problems of salinization area of mineralization of river water, as well as changes in groundwater levels are relevant for the territory, and they are related with human activities. The problem of the deterioration of the hydrogeological condition of the area is an obstacle not only for the holistic development of agriculture, but also to compensate for the environmental barrier, and the revival of the river basin.

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