Teymurov E.S. - Fresh Water as an Object of International Relations |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 01 June 2017 |
The article evaluates fresh water from the standpoint of international environmental law and its correlation with the international human rights law. In order to resolve the contradictions between environmental and social purposes of the integrated management of water resources, as well as the problems of sovereignty over the trans-border natural resources, the author pays attention to the need to divide two types of fresh water objects: reservoirs and water resources. This conclusion is based upon the historical development and modern tendencies of international legal regulation of the international water flow, as it is shown in the article. Additionally, the author substantiates the position that the regime of mineral resources is not applicable to the ice flow supply of fresh water, as well as the need for two components for ice flow and for the icebergs.
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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/