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Home arrow Papers arrow Turbinskiy V.V., Trofimovich E.M., Hmelev V.A. - Improvement of Sanitary Legislation on the use of the Transboundary and Boundary Drinking Water Sources
Turbinskiy V.V., Trofimovich E.M., Hmelev V.A. - Improvement of Sanitary Legislation on the use of the Transboundary and Boundary Drinking Water Sources PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
The paper considers legislative acts for organizing human water use in the transboundary areas and for ensuring hygienic requirements for choosing water sources to the conditions of economic activity in the drainage area of boundary subjects, for organizing a monitoring of the quality of water from centralized, household, and community water sources. Prompt interaction of the water users and supervisory bodies of adjoining areas must be a mandatory element of hydroeconomic activities in the border areas. Recommendations are given to improve water sanitary legislations.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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