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Home arrow Papers arrow Nazarov N.N., Rysin I.I., Petukhova L.N. - Channel Processes in Basin Upper and Middle Kama
Nazarov N.N., Rysin I.I., Petukhova L.N. - Channel Processes in Basin Upper and Middle Kama PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Studying morphodynamic types channels the rivers Kama basin has shown, that in it the rivers with incised and expanded floodplane channel use the greatest distribution. Segment bends (46 %) and rather rectilinear sites the channels (26 %) prevail. Occurrence of the sine wave and broken through bends is rather high. The concave coast of bends are washed away with a speed from first tens centimeters up to 10 m/years. Last decades simplification of a configuration the channels is observed. In conditions of a changing climate high there is a probability of change of the general orientation of development channel processes.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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