Ovchinnikov A.S., Borodychev V.V., Dedova E.B., Sazanov M.A. - Monitoring of Water Resources in Republic of Kalmykia and Water use Ecosystem Problems in Agricultural Industrial Complex |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 11 May 2017 |
The article presents a general description of surface water resources, both local and involved with neighboring areas (river basins of the Volga, Kuban, Terek and Kuma), dynamic indicators of quantity and chemical composition of the water of the main large watering-irrigation systems Republic, the local water surface runoff (flood, drainage, waste-but mixed and marine), as well as underground water with and without pressure (including mineral medical-table) are discussed in detail on the basis of the experimental studies. A list of guidelines and optimizations for improvement of the republic water management complex, including the creation of a system of environmental monitoring and implementation of the ecosystem water use principles in various sectors of the economy (irrigation, water supply and irrigation) was given.
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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/