Kruzhilin I.P., Ganiev M.A., Kuznetsova N.V., Rodin K.A. - Evaluation of Methods of Irrigation on Rice Irrigation Systems General Purpose |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Friday, 05 May 2017 |
The results of years of research FGFNU VNIIOZ (2001...2010), which confirmed the scientific hypothesis of the possibility of aerobic rice irrigation periodic irrigation. The studies were conducted on crops of aerobic rice varieties Volgograd on the background of two methods of irrigation: strip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation installation DDA-100mA, apparatus Dew-1, sprinkler dishwasher LH-110 "Agros". The water regime of the soil was maintained in the differentiation-oriented scheme with a lower admissible threshold of drying up to 70...80...70% of HB in the soil layer of 0.6 m. As a result of years of research found that sa is my early ripening of grain crops varieties Volgograd came at the research Institute of the sprinkler apparatus Dew-1. The vegetation cycle of plants in this variant-was decided at 104...107 days. It was definitely that the yield of rice depending from the studied irrigation in average years of experiments varied from 4.42 to 5.35 t/ha of grain, and irrigation rate ranged 6167...4600 m3/ha. It was found that to obtain yields of 5 t/ha grain costs of irrigation water amounted to 893...1395 m3/t. The cost of 1 ton of raw rice in the conditions of the Volgograd region, received at various ways of periodic irrigation varied within and 6254.8 and 9766.7 rubles, and the level of profitability and 48.5 and 131.8 %.
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