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Home Papers Volosuhin V.A. - Seism Safety of Pressure Head Hydraulic Engineering Constructions |
Volosuhin V.A. - Seism Safety of Pressure Head Hydraulic Engineering Constructions |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Tuesday, 02 May 2017 |
Experience of supervision of safety of the hydraulic engineering constructions, operating in our country since 1971, and the first 15 years of the Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 117-FZ from 21.07.1997 About safety of hydraulic engineering constructions, when persons under surveillance of GTS steel of power, the industry and a water economic complex is given. The majority (97 %) potentially dangerous GTS of the Russian Federation treat the IV class of solidity with service life from 40 to 50 and more years where, as a rule, is absent or the operation service, insufficient quantity of instrumentation is small. Monitoring of a technical condition of similar GTS is possible with use of the mobile, mobile complexes equipped with the modern equipment (hydrological, geophysical, geodetic, mechanical, etc.). Safety of GTS is in many respects caused by a skill level of the operational personnel. For the solution of questions of increase of their safety amending the current legislation is necessary.
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