Kozlov D.V., Matveenkov F.V. - Modern Aspects of State Regulation of Hydraulic Structures Safety |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Friday, 28 April 2017 |
In 1997 with the purpose of ensuring safety of hydraulic structures in Russia the Federal law «About safety of hydraulic structures» was passed which nowadays regulates legal, economic and social bases of providing HS safe operation. Classification of hydraulic structures is considered taking into consideration their potential hazard. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is made of the state of the HSs located in the territory of Russia and belonging to different departments. There is analyzed the information from the Russian HS register on the basis of which there was made an assessment of safety levels of hydraulic structures of Russia. The analysis of safety levels of hydraulic structures fulfilled with the usage of official data of the Russian register of hydraulic structures showed that 39.4 % of HS complexes of their total quantity have a normal level of safety, and 4.7 % units have a dangerous level. On the basis of the results of supervision measures performed by Rostechnadzor there was revealed a number of faults in the work of HS which should be subjected to obligatory correction. The draft of the federal law № 914182-6 «About introduction of changes in the Federal law «About safety of hydraulic structures» was discussed,there were shown the unsettled in the draft law problems existing in the field of state regulation of safety of hydraulic structures.
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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/