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Home arrow Papers arrow Karpenko N.P., Yurchenko I.F. - Classification of Measures of Safe Operation of Land Reclamation Systems
Karpenko N.P., Yurchenko I.F. - Classification of Measures of Safe Operation of Land Reclamation Systems PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 27 April 2017
The main theme of researches was development and ensuring of managerial solutions on safety and reliability of a reclamation and water economic complex. The object of researches was hydraulic structures of a reclamation water economic complex. The purpose of researches was to substantiate the structure of a measures classifier of reclamation systems operation. The methodological base of the fulfilled investigations was the analysis of the existing logistical measures of reclamation objects operations and breakage protection means of reclamation systems. The result of the fulfilled investigations was development of a classifier of operational measures of reclamation systems, systematization and grouping of operational measures according to the following functional characteristics: supervision and technical maintenance, repair and reconstruction of reclamation systems. The scientific novelty of researches is a theoretical substantiation of the classifier structure of the measures of safe operation of reclamation systems which presents a list of works on breakage protection and technologies of life time prolongation of HTS functioning, differential depending on the HTS material structures reclamation systems: for earth, concrete and reinforced concrete as well as wooden structures. The practical significance of researches determines a possibility of using the classifier of measures of safe operation of reclamation systems in the practice of reclamation activity and it will promote to the growth of effectiveness and competitiveness of the reclamation sphere due to improving the quality management solutions on ensuring reliability of the reclamation water economic complex provided by improvement of the information support of the solutions.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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