Karpenko N.P., Yurchenko I.F. - Theoretical Substantiation of Structure of the Safety Criteria Classifier of the hs of the Melioration Multipurpose Water-Resources Scheme |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 27 April 2017 |
Researches have been fulfilled on the theoretical substantiation and practical approaches to the formation of safety classifications of hydraulic structures (HS) of the melioration multipurpose water-resources scheme. The safety criteria classifier of the HS melioration multipurpose water-resources scheme has been developed. Methodological regulations of the classifier algorithm formation are considered. The analysis of the existing system of description of safety criteria is fulfilled. On the basis of indicators of the HS elements state there is carried out a qualitative assessment of safety. Description of safety is based on the interconnections of accidents risks at the structures and level of ecological safety of their functioning. The influence of physical and moral wear of structures on their safety is considered. According to the value of the acceptable geoecological risk of negative processes arising there are established safety criteria of the territories adjacent to HS. The fulfilled formalization and unification of HS safety criteria is necessary for higher efficiency of the information supply and quality of the made decision at exploitation of the melioration multipurpose water-resources scheme.
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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/