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Orto-Tokoy Reservoir Authority PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 September 2010
The Orto-Tokoy reservoir is designed for seasonal regulation of flow in the Chu river for irrigation of the Chu Valley: 220 thousand ha in Kyrgyzstan and 80 thousand ha in Kazakhstan. The Chu river takes its origin in eternal ice of Central Tien-Shan. The river crosses the Kotchkor valley  and enters Orto-Tokoy depression, which is closed by mountain massifs Kyzyl-Ompol and Artchaly-Mazar. Behind a dam, the river flows through the Boom gorge and joins the Chon-Kemin river. The catchment area of the Choo river is about 30 thousand km2.

The reservoir was constructed in complex engineering and geological conditions of high mountains, in the zone of 9-point seismicity.

The earthen dam is built of local macrofragmental soil. The upstream slope of the dam is stabilized by crushed rock, while the downstream slope is covered by coarse rock. 

There is a spillway tunnel, through which necessary quantities of water are delivered to the Chu river during the growing season. Design of the tunnels guarantees that water is cut off for filling or emptying the tunnel under any water levels in the reservoir. The spillway tunnel is built in rock with 32 cm thick concrete coating and inner reinforced concrete ring, 8 cm thick. Two hollow jet valves, 2.2 m in diameter, are installed at the end of the tunnel to bypass water from the reservoir.

The escape is designed for automatic discharge of water when the reservoir is filled to a level higher than the full reservoir level.

List of functions and mandate of the reservoir authority

1. Organization of operation of the state diversion, regulating and other hydraulic structures of reservoirs, the power-supply lines, transforming stations and other elements of the state water infrastructure in order to improve their performance and reduce process water losses.
2. Observation over reliable operation of dam and the whole set of hydraulic and other structures that are under control of the reservoir authority.
3. Monitoring of safety of dam structures, implementation of capital and routine repairs.
4. Adoption of new automation, telecontrol and water control facilities and measures for their effective application.
5. Control over technical state, use and repair of earth-moving machines, vehicles, and other machinery and estimation of needs for spare parts for smooth operation.

OTRA, Orto-Tokoy village, Issyk-Kul province, 720230, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone: (996 3944) 5 14 30
Fax: (996 3944) 5 00 15

Last Updated ( Friday, 28 July 2023 )
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