Seversk-Donets basin department of water resources |
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Written by Erkin Turdibaev | |
Thursday, 08 October 2009 | |
Seversk-Donets Basin Department of Water Resources The city of Slavyansk (Donets provincen, Ukraine) was chosen for this purpose because of its location in close proximity to the Severs Donets river, approximately in its midstream, where Raygorod dam is situated and the Seversk Donets-Donbass canal takes its origin and due to equal distances from the city to catchment of Seversk Donets and of rivers in Preazovie. Currently, the Seversk-Donets Basin Department of Water Resources includes three branches: Kharkov, Donets and Lugansk regional water-management organizations (RWMO), as well as independent divisions for multipurpose water use (DMWU) of Donets, Gorlov and Mariupol in Donets province and Lisinatchansk in Lugansk province. The total quantity of staff in the basin department and RWMOs is 200 people.
Water resources management For assessment of quality of water bodies in Ukraine, according to the Decree #391 of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers of 30.03.1998, the state monitoring of surface water is performed. As a result, reliable, complete, accurate and timely information characterizing the processes of interaction in aquatic environments is collected. The European experts concluded that basin’s laboratory was a leading one performing monitoring of surface water and was ready for certification according to international standards. In 2007, the laboratory’s staff 4 times took part in the international quality check program “Aquacheck”, which united 800 European laboratories. Based on program results, the basin and regional laboratories were recognized the best ones and their staff have received the registered certificates, according to ISO 17025:2005. The basin laboratory of the Seversk-Donets BDWR is recognized as the best one in the Ukrainian state water management system and appointed as a coordinator of external laboratorial control (checking for accuracy of measurement results) in Ukrainian laboratories (order # 277 of 19.11.2002). The main objective of the external laboratorial control is assessing the accuracy of data based on the results of measurement of check samples. In 2007, the basin water monitoring laboratory of the Seversk-Donets BDWR took part in the service quality competition of 100 Best Ukrainian Goods, which was held under the auspices of the Ukrainian President, in nomination “Inter-laboratory comparison of measurements in the laboratories of the Ukrainian state water management system and the laboratories of water user-enterprises in Donets province and neighboring regions”. According to competition results, the basin laboratory was awarded a diploma of the All-Ukrainian service quality competition. The recognition of the laboratory’s achievements proves the reasonability of activity regarding the external laboratorial testing, the high level of organization and implementation, and the real development prospects, according to the requirements of Water Framework Directive. Modern laboratory equipment and high-skilled staff who possess international certificates allow ensuring high accuracy of measurements and reliability of water quality control. Evidently, this contributes to environmental conservation and population’s health. In order to regulate water relations along transboundary rivers, on October 19th 1992, an Agreement between the Governments of Russia and Ukraine was signed in the Kiev city about shared use and protection of transboundary water objects. This Agreement set basic principles of water sharing, coordinated water measures, and surface water observations. The Chairman of Ukrainian State Water Management Organization Stashuk V.A. is an authorised responsible person for this Agreement from the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers, while the Head of Russian Federal Water Agency, Seleverstova M.V. is responsible from Russia.
The authorized responsible persons from Ukraine and the Russian Federation meet once a year, while their deputies - at least twice a year on the Seversk Donets river basin. For implementation of the interstate agreement, the following regulatory documents were developed: “Procedure of organization of work on water management in the Seversk Donets river basin”; “Program of joint analytical control over status of transboundary water objects for 2006-2010” (which is developed every five years and sets the locations and frequency of sampling, the lists of indicators and methods for their estimation); Procedure of interaction in emergency situations on transboundary water objects. Upon decision of the authorized responsible persons in 2006, an interstate system of data exchange was developed and applied. Using this system, the Parties provide data on operation regimes of main reservoirs located in Russian and Ukrainian territories, hydrological forecasts for different seasons of a year and quality of transboundary water objects. Since the effective date of the Agreement in the Seversk Donets river basin, the Parties has been managing to ensure adequate transparency and coordination of actions on transboundary water objects.
The contest is open to the students of comprehensive secondary schools and other educational institutions in the city of Slavyansk and Slavyansk district. The participants should submit photo-materials, creative or investigative work, handicrafts made of natural materials, posters, pictures, and wall newspapers that cover environmental problems in different nominations. Winners and laureates are awarded with diplomas and prizes. This gives incentives for ecological hobby groups to implement nature-protection measures in cities and towns of Donets province and raises their interest in further development.
The Seversk Donets Day The Seversk Donets Day gave a start to the tradition to organize events aimed at improving conditions in the Seversk Donets river – the major waterway in East Ukraine – which determines the health and life quality of population in Kharkov, Donets, and Lugansk provinces, as well as in two Russian provinces. Now, the ecological status of water resources in such a tense area as the Seversk Donets river basin is being considered at interstate level and needs to be solved by integrated efforts of the both transboundary states – Ukraine and Russia.
While acknowledging the problem and understanding a need for actions to improve current situation, a community-based organization “SEVERSKIY DONETS – VOZROJDENIYE” (The Seversk Donets - Revival) was established upon initiative of staff in the Basin Department. The primary goal and objective of the organization is to shape progressive ecological mindset and foster water friendliness of population and the youth, as well as implement measures to conserve and restore water resources in East Donbass and Slobojantshina.
Water, as opposed to any other commercial item, belongs to the public in general and should be protected and treated carefully. Nowadays, the ecological culture, careful attitude to water bodies and rational water use to the benefit of humankind is topical all over the world and in Ukraine in particular. Modern principles and approaches of the world society in area of nature use are based on preventive and proactive measures; therefore, environmental education of population is one of important issues, among others, related to rational nature management and environmental sanitation. By involving population and the public in general in discussion about and solving of rational nature management issues, by providing the public with essential knowledge on state-of-affairs, role and value of water, we would be able to revive water resources in the Seversk Donets river basin.
Head-quarters of the Seversk-Donets BDWR: |
Last Updated ( Friday, 07 September 2018 ) |