Ptashkina-girina O.S., Guseva O.A. - The Autonomous Agricultural Consumers Power Supplying by Means of Midget Hydropower Plants |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Thursday, 13 April 2017 |
According to the research results there are 412 pressure hydro systems in the Chelyabinsk region, which total hydropower potential is about 200 million kW × h per year. The hydropower station building on the ready hydro systems allows to reduce the initial costs on waterfront construction, road building, etc. The calculated hydropower potential of ready pressure hydro systems can be considered in the design of power supplying systems of regional autonomous agricultural consumers. The authors devised the mobile dam siphon type midget hydropower station for small water reservoirs. They suggest using it advantages allowing to utilize hydropower potential of water reservoirs without interfering in the construction of the dam. This article discusses the options of agricultural consumers power supplying from CPS (the centralized power supplying) and MHP (midget hydropower plants), depending on power supply remoteness from the consumers.
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