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Home arrow Papers arrow Zhuravlev S.A. - The Transformation of Neva River Runoff as a Result of Lake Ladoga Flood Regulation
Zhuravlev S.A. - The Transformation of Neva River Runoff as a Result of Lake Ladoga Flood Regulation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 09 March 2017
The article is devoted to the problem of the Neva river runoff transformation as a result of Lake Ladoga flood regulation. The basis of the investigation is water balance equation of lake that was applied at a daily time interval. The input data that was used in order to estimate Ladoga inflow and outflow includes data from hydrologic water monitoring stations. The inflow from the ungauged area is estimated by the model «Hydrograph». The rate of the Neva river runoff regulation is estimated. The coefficients of maximum discharges transformation and the increasing of the time before the peak flow passes are calculated.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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