Written by Iskander Beglov
Monday, 13 September 2010 |
Thanks to colleagues - Russian Research Institute of Integrated Use and Protection of Water Resources (ROSNIIVH)
Dear Colleagues, Dear Nadejda Borisovna!
Our network has received from you a great gift - ten volume edition "Water of Russia". The series includes:
- Water of Russia. Mathematical modeling in water management
- Water of Russia. The water in the state's security strategy
- Water of Russia. River basins
- Water of Russia. Water-resource potential
- Water of Russia. Hydroeconomic device
- Water of Russia. Socio-environmental water problems
- Water of Russia. Ecosystem-based water management
- Water of Russia. Small rivers
- Water of Russia. Reservoir
- Water of Russia. Economic and legal water management
I want to thank the whole team of authors in the first place to pay tribute to the memory of the author and chief proponent of this beautiful complex, professor A.M. Chernyaev and his indefatigable assistant, N.B. Prokhorova.
Executive Secretary of the EECCA network, prof. V.A. Dukhovny