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Home arrow Papers arrow SEDASH T.N. - Economic tools of creating incentives for environment-related activity: analysis of foreign experience
SEDASH T.N. - Economic tools of creating incentives for environment-related activity: analysis of foreign experience PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 03 January 2017
One of the priorities of Russia's development is the environmentally-oriented economic growth, preservation of favorable environment, biodiversity and natural resources. To build an efficient system of environmental and economic regulation of the Russian economy, it is necessary to study, analyze and adapt the international experience in this area. The purpose of this paper is to study the foreign experience in stimulating environmental performance, identify modern trends in development and application of economic tools of creating incentives for environment protection in various countries around the world. The article discusses the main instruments of State regulation (environmental taxes and incentives, pollution charges, fines, accelerated depreciation, subsidies, grants, government programs, concessional lending) and market-based instruments (license and pollution quotas trading, green bonds, environmental insurance, concessions, public-private partnership, environmental funds, environmental associations) used in the global practice.

The author gives recommendations on the use of economic instruments to stimulate environmental projects in Russia and makes a conclusion about the need for an integrated approach and a sequence of steps to encourage environment-related activity of companies. As for the government regulation in Russia, in the first place, the author proposes to introduce a system of environmental taxes, accelerated depreciation of environmental protection equipment, an increase in fines for environmental pollution. Another conclusion concerns the need to improve the legislative mechanism of ecological insurance, environmental audit, and to introduce pollution rights trading in certain territories.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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